Thursday, November 16, 2006


So, in the midst of a very "busy" season of life, there are certain things that I am particularly thankful for. The biggest elicitor of my thankfulness as of late has been the Lord. I love that I can not only be thankful that He is the Lord, but I can be thankful for the way He is the Lord.

Here is what I mean: God displays His God-ness through His attributes. One of which that I have been particularly grateful for lately is the fact that He is unchanging. He never changes. He is the same. Particularly I have exulted in this being expressed through His word.

Lately at work, I have been swimming in the deep blue sea of FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) statement No. FAS 123(R) (I know, instantly your mind thinks "NERD!" Mind does too). It is a revision of FASB No. 123 which was issued yeah but ten years ago. This document is incredibly complex and I have been trying to get my arms around it. We have to audit the Company's application of this statement and it is disheartening to know that next year, there will be some new statement that we have to audit the Company's application of. In the world of accounting, the authoritative literature never stops changing. It creates a tremendous amount of work for all those involved (as evidenced by the fact that I was at work until midnight last night).

Isn't it great to know that Romans 8:28 doesn't become Romans 8:28(R). Isn't it great to know that when you go back to a passage that you studied last year, that it is still the same? Isn't it great to know that it is only your understanding that changes by hopefully understanding it more? I don't understand how some religions can have "the authority" up for edit.

Praise God for His unchangability expressed through His word!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fall is here, baby...

This past weekend, it was officially fall.
After seeing the Washington State Cougars (Cal State Washington as referred to by some) trounce the UCLA bruins (by the way, has anyone ever heard a bear referred to as a bruin outside of UCLA context before? I didn't think so...), the college group came to Ken and Beth's residence for some good old fashioned carving.
Below is Cory and I's entry.
I will have you know that this was made without the use extra-curricular pumpkin tools such as drills, exacto kits, sculpting materials, chisels, etc. Old fashioned blade and spoon is all. Well, we did have a pumpkin saw...

Here is ours with the rest of the entries...
43 days till this happy pumpkin-carving couple is a married happy pumpkin carving couple...
In 44 days that, this is where we will be as the married happy pumpkin carving couple.
Here is what our pumpkin looks like when you shut your eyes. Can't you just hear the ocean waves, the sand between your toes, a Wild Cherry Pepsi with an umbrella in it in your hand?
In the Spirit of America voting, we are running against Jessi Gates, the Burns and Ken and Beth for the pumpkin party's nomination. You can check out the other entries by visiting Ken and Beth's blog (linked on the right).
Just remember that just because you can make a face like your pumpkin doesn't necessarily mean that it is quality art. Any pumpkin can have a face that can resemble Ken Flowers. But can every pumpkin transport you to a tropical paradise?
Don't be flakey, vote for Blakey.