Monday, February 26, 2007

They Never Close...

Now, I know that many of you are wondering what exactly, "coming soon" means about thoughts from Resolved Conference, let me assure you, they are still coming. But as for now, I would like to post a bit about a place called Norms, whose slogan is "We Never Close."

Cory and I went there after a basketball game with our friends Jay and Janelle and their friend Ashley. Cory and I ordered the 3 pancakes, two eggs combo plate because the thought of breakfast sounded great at 10:00 at night. These were the eggs.

As you can tell, I was quite tickled by the sheer size of them.
Ashley, Janelle and Jay.
Notice the relative size of their portions in comparison to ours.


Blogger Jay and Janelle said...

Hey man, that chica in the middle is lookin pretty good... I just want to go on record by saying that I was a witness to the eggs debacle...

11:37 AM  

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